Lean Advantage endorsed readings and resources

Recommended reading

Lean Advantage endorsed readings and resources
We make it easy to stay on top of the latest publications that will help you understand, practise and grow the skills and mindset that support innovation and value delivery.
Business Agility for Executives
The book Humanocracy by Gary Hamel and Michele Zanini offers a helpful overview of what business agility means, its benefits, and how to achieve it. Agility requires a holistic rethink and redesign of the purpose and focus of your organisation.
Business Model Innovation
The courses by the Strategyzer team provide a helpful overview of how to take innovation beyond the team and individual service level. Renewing and continually adapting our business model is about finding the sweet spot between customer needs, competitors, and our organisation's unique way of creating value. I recommend the books Business Model Generation and Testing Business Ideas.
New Ways of Being and Leading
I am thankful for the ground-breaking and mind-shifting book Inviting Leadership by Daniel Mezick and Mark Sheffield because it changed how I think about what leadership in the current era really means.
Change Management
I recommend Jurgen Appelo's compact and super useful overview with the ambitious title, How to Change the World , to team leaders and highly motivated change makers.
Developing Customer Centricity, Connection and Empathy
The above skills are vital to every business. IDEO's resources are world-class, and I often recommend them to clients.
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